Titans of Italian wine in a world class collaboration
In 2015, Angelo Gaja and Alberto Graci met for the first time. As Angelo got to know Alberto and his family over time, his deep curiosity for the Sicilian culture and volcanic soils continued to grow. The liking and desire to work together emerged. Towards the end of 2016, based on their mutual respect and love for the artisanal wines, they decided to form a joint venture together. This was the first for both families. The couple have taken an unorthodox approach and decision to focus on the southern slope of the volcano, often called the backside of Etna. This largely forgotten region, has an amazing past. Compared to the northern slope of the volcano, which is well developed and has established reputation. The southern side is relatively unexplored and unplanted so far. The project was named IDDA, which means “she” in Sicilian. IDDA is how the locals relate to the volcano in dialect. This portrays their amazement and awe, not only because she is a mountain and an active volcano, but because she projects her own identity and personality; agitated, whimsical, yet motherly and protective.