Valdobbiadene since 1542
Bisol – with roots in Valdobbiadene since 1542, looking towards the future. Gianluca Bisol, CEO, and his brother Desidero, head winemaker, are impressively the 21st generation running the company. Throughout its long history, Bisol has played a significant role in the development of Prosecco Superiore di Valdobbiadene. Conegliano Valdobbiadene is the heart and birthplace of Prosecco. Only 25% of all Prosecco, and almost none found on Swedish shelves, receives the highest quality classification D.O.C.G. To be called Prosecco Superiore, the grapes must come from the slopes around Conegliano Valdobbiadene. The slopes are very steep, and all grapes are tended and harvested by hand. Desidero Bisol explains that the steepest slopes require about 1000 man-hours per hectare instead of the 100-250 man-hours needed to make Prosecco DOC. However, the difference is not only in man-hours but also, of course, in quality.